
Shikast-E-Dil Lyrics In Hindi & English – Antara Nandy | शिकस्त-ए-दिल लिरिक्स इन हिंदी

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Shikast-E-Dil Lyrics Introduction

“Shikast-E-Dil” is a soul-stirring song that showcases the exceptional musical talent of Ritesh Bhoyar as the composer, Antara Nandy as the singer and Khumar Barabankavi as the lyricist. The song is produced by Ambar Das and features the musical prowess of Sumit Barauh on guitars and other string instruments, Babbu Saral on harmonium and melodica, Sachin Saral on tabla, and Nitin at Grey Spark Studio Pune as the recording engineer.


The song is brought to life by the creative vision of Aashish Sinha as the director, who also takes on the role of editor. The cinematography by Pawan Sahu and color correction by Man B. Roka elevates the visual appeal of the song. The team behind the scenes includes Deepak Chauhan for make-up, Mrs. Jui Nandy as the stylist, Pushpak Chaudhary as the associate director, Shiva Daksh as the assistant director, Abhishek Dongre as the camera assistant, and SA Vision as the camera equipment provider.

The stunning poster design is done by Shri Sai Graphics, and the post-production is handled by Pan Entertainment. The song is produced by iZotope Productions and released on Zee Music Company.

With a melodic blend of traditional Indian instruments and contemporary music production, “Shikast-E-Dil” is sure to captivate listeners and leave a lasting impression. The emotional lyrics, combined with Antara Nandy’s soulful voice and the musical arrangement, make for an unforgettable musical experience.

Shikast-E-Dil Lyrics Attributes

SingerAntara Nandy
LyricsKhumar Barabankavi
MusicRitesh Bhoyar
Music LabelZee Music Company
Shikast-E-Dil Lyrics

शिकस्त-ए-दिल लिरिक्स इन हिंदी

मुझको शिकस्तदिल
का मजा याद  गया
मुझको शिकस्तदिल
का मजा याद  गया

तुम क्यूँ उदास हो
तुम क्यूँ उदास हो
क्या याद  गया
मुझको शिकस्तदिल
का मजा याद  गया


केहेने को जिन्दगी थी
बहोत मुक्तसर मगर 
केहेने को जिन्दगी थी
बहोत मुक्तसर मगर

कुछ यूँ बसर हुई की
कुछ यूँ बसर हुई की
खुदा याद  गया

मुझको शिकस्तदिल
का मजा याद  गया


बरसे बदल रही जो
घटा गिर के घुल गयी
बरसे बदल रही जो
घटा गिर के घुल गयी

एक बेवफा करदे
एक बेवफा करदे
वफा याद  गया

मुझको शिकस्त–ए–दिल
का मजा याद आ गया

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Shikast-E-Dil Lyrics In English

Mujhko Shikast-E-Dil
Ka Maza Yaad Aa Gaya
Mujhko Shikast-E-Dil
Ka Maza Yaad Aa Gaya

Tum Kyun Udas Ho
Tum Kyun Udas Ho
Kya Yaad Aa Gaya
Mujhko Shikast-E-Dil
Ka Maza Yaad Aa Gaya


Kehene Ko Zindagi Thi
Bahot Muktsar Magar
Kehene Ko Zindagi Thi
Bahot Muktsar Magar

Kuch Yun Basar Hui Ki
Kuch Yun Basar Hui Ki
Khuda Yaad Aa Gaya

Mujhko Shikast-E-Dil
Ka Maza Yaad Aa Gaya


Barse Badal Rahi Jo
Ghata Gir Ke Ghul Gayi
Barse Badal Rahi Jo
Ghata Gir Ke Ghul Gayi

Ek Bewafa Karde
Ek Bewafa Karde
Wafa Yaad Aa Gaya

Mujhko Shikast-E-Dil
Ka Maza Yaad Aa Gaya

Shikast-E-Dil Song on Youtube

Shikast-E-Dil Lyrics

Shikast-E-Dil Lyrics Meaning in English

  1. Mujhko Shikast-E-Dil Ka Maza Yaad Aa Gaya” – I have remembered the enjoyment (or pleasure) of breaking my heart.
  2. Tum Kyun Udas Ho Tum Kyun Udas Ho Kya Yaad Aa Gaya” – Why are you sad, why are you sad, what has come to mind.
  3. Kehene Ko Zindagi Thi Bahot Muktsar Magar” – Life was full of hardships but…
  4. Kuch Yun Basar Hui Ki Khuda Yaad Aa Gaya” – It ended in such a way that I remembered God.
  5. Barse Badal Rahi Jo Ghata Gir Ke Ghul Gayi” – The clouds that were raining got buried after falling.
  6. Ek Bewafa Karde Wafa Yaad Aa Gaya” – A betrayer reminded me of loyalty.
  7. Mujhko Shikast-E-Dil Ka Maza Yaad Aa Gaya” – I have remembered the enjoyment (or pleasure) of breaking my heart.

The lyrics suggest that the protagonist is reminiscing about a past relationship that caused them heartbreak. They recall the pain and sadness of the breakup, but also the joy and excitement they experienced during the relationship. The mention of God and loyalty highlights the spiritual and emotional complexities of love and heartbreak. The song is a nostalgic reflection on a past relationship and the emotions that come with it.

“Shikast-E-Dil” is a term used in Urdu poetry and literature to describe a broken heart or shattered heart. It refers to the emotional pain and heartache one experiences after a relationship has ended or after a loss. The term is often used to express the intense and overwhelming emotions that come with heartbreak, such as sadness, regret, and a sense of emptiness.

The idea of a “shikast-e-dil” is a common theme in Urdu poetry, where poets use the term to convey the pain and loss of love, and the difficulty of moving on from a broken heart. It is a powerful expression of the intense emotional turmoil that one experiences after a heartbreak, and the way it can impact one’s life and perspective.

शिकस्त–ए–दिल लिरिक्स Meaning in Hindi

  • “मुझको शिकस्त–ए–दिल का मज़ा याद आ गया” – मुझे दिल तोड़ने का आनंद (या खुशी) याद है।
  • “तुम क्यों उदास हो तुम क्यों उदास हो क्या याद आ गया” – उदास क्यों हो, उदास क्यों हो, क्या ख्याल आया।
  • “कहने को जिंदगी थी बहुत मुक्तसर मगर” – जीवन कठिनाइयों से भरा था लेकिन …
  • “कुछ यूं बसर हुई की खुदा याद आ गया” – इसका अंत इस तरह हुआ कि मुझे भगवान की याद आ गई।
  • “बरसे बदल रही जो घटा गिर के घुल गई” – जो बादल बरस रहे थे वे गिरकर दब गए।
  • “एक बेवफा करदे वफा याद आ गया” – एक विश्वासघाती ने मुझे वफादारी की याद दिला दी।
  • “मुझको शिकस्त–ए–दिल का मज़ा याद आ गया” – मुझे दिल तोड़ने का आनंद (या खुशी) याद है।

गाने के बोल बताते हैं कि नायक पिछले रिश्ते के बारे में याद कर रहा है जिससे उनका दिल टूट गया था। वे ब्रेकअप के दर्द और दुख को याद करते हैं, लेकिन रिश्ते के दौरान उन्होंने जो खुशी और उत्साह का अनुभव किया, उसे भी याद करते हैं। भगवान और वफादारी का जिक्र प्यार और दिल टूटने की आध्यात्मिक और भावनात्मक जटिलताओं को उजागर करता है। यह गाना पिछले रिश्ते और उससे जुड़ी भावनाओं का उदासीन प्रतिबिंब है।

“शिकस्त-ए-दिल” उर्दू शायरी और साहित्य में टूटे हुए दिल या टूटे हुए दिल का वर्णन करने के लिए इस्तेमाल किया जाने वाला शब्द है। यह भावनात्मक दर्द और दिल के दर्द को संदर्भित करता है जो किसी रिश्ते के समाप्त होने या खोने के बाद अनुभव करता है। इस शब्द का प्रयोग अक्सर उन तीव्र और भारी भावनाओं को व्यक्त करने के लिए किया जाता है जो दिल टूटने के साथ आती हैं, जैसे उदासी, खेद और खालीपन की भावना।

उर्दू शायरी में “शिकस्त-ए-दिल” का विचार एक सामान्य विषय है, जहां कवि इस शब्द का इस्तेमाल दर्द और प्यार की कमी, और टूटे हुए दिल से आगे बढ़ने की कठिनाई को व्यक्त करने के लिए करते हैं। यह तीव्र भावनात्मक उथल-पुथल की एक शक्तिशाली अभिव्यक्ति है जो एक दिल टूटने के बाद अनुभव करता है, और जिस तरह से यह किसी के जीवन और दृष्टिकोण को प्रभावित कर सकता है

FAQ on Shikast-E-Dil Lyrics

  1. Who is the music composer of the song “Shikast-E-Dil”?

    The music composer of the song “Shikast-E-Dil” is Ritesh Bhoyar.

  2. Who is the singer of the song “Shikast-E-Dil”?

    The singer of the song “Shikast-E-Dil” is Antara Nandy.

  3. Who wrote the lyrics of the song “Shikast-E-Dil”?

    The lyrics of the song “Shikast-E-Dil” were written by Khumar Barabankavi.

  4. Who is the music producer of the song “Shikast-E-Dil”?

    The music producer of the song “Shikast-E-Dil” is Ambar Das.

  5. Who played the guitars and other string instruments in the song “Shikast-E-Dil”?

    Sumit Barauh played the guitars and other string instruments in the song “Shikast-E-Dil”.

  6. Who played the Harmonium and melodica in the song “Shikast-E-Dil”?

    Babbu Saral played the harmonium and melodica in the song “Shikast-E-Dil”.

  7. Who played the tabla in the song “Shikast-E-Dil”?

    Sachin Saral played the tabla in the song “Shikast-E-Dil”.

  8. What is the meaning of “Shikast-E-Dil”?

    “Shikast-E-Dil” is a term used in Urdu poetry and literature to describe a broken heart or shattered heart. It refers to the emotional pain and heartache one experiences after a relationship has ended or after a loss.

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Hi! I am Sonali. I am a teacher and I love to write and read. I also like to listen to good songs and review and write down the lyrics. I have three years of experience in writing lyrics. And I am posting this written song on Hinditracks.co.in website so that by reading the lyrics of this song you too can sing and make your heart happy.

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