Mahalakshmi Ashtakam is a hymn sung in honor of the eight forms of Goddess Lakshmi.This mantra dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi. She is the deity of wealth and prosperity in Hinduism

महालक्ष्मी अष्टकम देवी लक्ष्मी के आठ रूपों के सम्मान में गाया जाने वाला एक भजन है। यह मंत्र देवी लक्ष्मी को समर्पित है। वह हिंदू धर्म में धन और समृद्धि की देवी हैं
Mahalakshmi Ashtakam Lyrics Video Song on Youtube
Mahalakshmi Ashtakam Lyrics in Sanskrit
Start of the Lyrics
॥ महालक्ष्म्यष्टकम् ॥
नमस्तेऽस्तु महामाये श्रीपीठे सुरपूजिते।
शङ्खचक्रगदाहस्ते महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते॥1॥
नमस्ते गरुडारूढे कोलासुरभयङ्करि।
सर्वपापहरे देवि महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते॥2॥
सर्वज्ञे सर्ववरदे सर्वदुष्टभयङ्करि।
सर्वदुःखहरे देवि महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते॥3॥
सिद्धिबुद्धिप्रदे देवि भुक्तिमुक्तिप्रदायिनि ।
मन्त्रमूर्ते सदा देवि महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते॥4॥
आद्यन्तरहिते देवि आद्यशक्तिमहेश्वरि ।
योगजे योगसम्भूते महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते॥5॥
स्थूलसूक्ष्ममहारौद्रे महाशक्तिमहोदरे ।
महापापहरे देवि महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते॥6॥
पद्मासनस्थिते देवि परब्रह्मस्वरूपिणि।
परमेशि जगन्मातर्महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते॥7॥
श्वेताम्बरधरे देवि नानालङ्कारभूषिते।
जगत्स्थिते जगन्मातर्महालक्ष्मि नमोऽस्तुते॥8॥
महालक्ष्म्यष्टकं स्तोत्रं यः पठेद्भक्तिमान्नरः।
सर्वसिद्धिमवाप्नोति राज्यं प्राप्नोति सर्वदा॥9॥
एककाले पठेन्नित्यं महापापविनाशनम्।
द्विकालं यः पठेन्नित्यं धनधान्यसमन्वितः॥10॥
त्रिकालं यः पठेन्नित्यं महाशत्रुविनाशनम्।
महालक्ष्मीर्भवेन्नित्यं प्रसन्ना वरदा शुभा॥11॥
॥ इति इन्द्रकृतं महालक्ष्म्यष्टकं सम्पूर्णम् ॥
End of the Lyrics
Mahalakshmi Ashtakam Lyrics in English
Start of the Lyrics
॥ Mahalakshmyashtakam ॥
Namastestu Mahaa-Maaye Shrii-Piitthe Sura-Puujite।
Shangkha-Cakra-Gadaa-Haste Mahaalakssmi Namostute॥1॥
Namaste Garudda-Aaruuddhe Kolaa-Asura-Bhayankari।
Sarva-Paapa-Hare Devi Mahaalakssmi Namostute॥2॥
Sarvajnye Sarva-Varade Sarva-Dusstta-Bhayankari।
Sarva-Duhkha-Hare Devi Mahaalakssmi Namostute॥3॥
Siddhi-Buddhi-Prade Devi Bhukti-Mukti-Pradaayini।
Mantra-Muurte Sadaa Devi Mahaalakssmi Namostute॥4॥
Aadi-Anta-Rahite Devi Aadya-Shakti-Maheshvari।
Yogaje Yoga-Sambhuute Mahaalakssmi Namostute॥5॥
Sthuula-Suukssma-Mahaaraudre Mahaa-Shakti-Mahodare।
Mahaa-Paapa-Hare Devi Mahaalakssmi Namostute॥6॥
Padmaa-Asana-Sthite Devi Para-Brahma-Svaruupinni।
Parameshi Jaganmaatar-Mahaalakssmi Namostute॥7॥
Shveta-Ambara-Dhare Devi Naana-Alangkaara-Bhuussite।
Jagat-Sthite Jaganmaatar-Mahaalakssmi Namostute॥8॥
Mahalakshmy-Ashtakam Strotram Yah Patthed-Bhaktimaan-Narah ।
Sarva-Siddhim-Avaapnoti Raajyam Praapnoti Sarvadaa॥9॥
Eka-Kaale Patthen-Nityam Mahaa-Paapa-Vinaashanam।
Dvi-Kaalam Yah Patthen-Nityam Dhana-Dhaanya-Samanvitah ॥10॥
Tri-Kaalam Yah Patthen-Nityam Mahaa-Shatru-Vinaashanam।
Mahaalakssmiir-Bhaven-Nityam Prasannaa Varadaa Shubhaa॥11॥
॥ Iti Indrakritam Mahalakshmyashtakam Sampurnam ॥
End of the Lyrics
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Aditya Hridaya Stotra Lyrics in Hindi & English | आदित्य हृदय स्तोत्र हिंदी अनुवाद सहित
Opinion on Mahalakshmi Ashtakam Lyrics
The Mahalakshmi Ashtakam is a revered Hindu hymn dedicated to Goddess Mahalakshmi, the divine embodiment of wealth, prosperity, and abundance. This hymn consists of eight verses, each of which praises and invokes the blessings of the goddess. It is recited by devotees to seek her grace and blessings for material and spiritual prosperity. In this opinion piece, we will delve into the meaning and significance of the Mahalakshmi Ashtakam lyrics.
Verse 1:
Namastestu Mahaa-Maaye Shrii-Piitthe Sura-Puujite।
Shangkha-Cakra-Gadaa-Haste Mahaalakssmi Namostute॥1॥
In the first verse, the devotee pays homage to Goddess Mahalakshmi, addressing her as the “Mahaa-Maaye” or the great mother. She is recognized as the one who is worshiped by the deities and is depicted holding divine symbols like the conch shell (Shankha), discus (Chakra), and mace (Gadaa). These symbols signify her divine attributes and powers. By offering obeisance, the devotee seeks her blessings.
Verse 2:
Namaste Garudda-Aaruuddhe Kolaa-Asura-Bhayankari।
Sarva-Paapa-Hare Devi Mahaalakssmi Namostute॥2॥
The second verse recognizes Goddess Mahalakshmi as the one who rides upon Garuda, the divine eagle, symbolizing her association with Lord Vishnu. She is hailed as the one who terrifies the demon Kolaasura and as the remover of all sins. The devotee seeks refuge in her and prays for liberation from the burdens of sin.
Verse 3:
Sarvajnye Sarva-Varade Sarva-Dusstta-Bhayankari।
Sarva-Duhkha-Hare Devi Mahaalakssmi Namostute॥3॥
In the third verse, the goddess is praised as the all-knowing (Sarvajnye) and the bestower of all boons (Sarva-Varade). She is also acknowledged as the one who dispels fear and alleviates suffering. The devotee expresses reverence for her and seeks her blessings to overcome fear and suffering in life.
Verse 4:
Siddhi-Buddhi-Prade Devi Bhukti-Mukti-Pradaayini।
Mantra-Muurte Sadaa Devi Mahaalakssmi Namostute॥4॥
The fourth verse highlights the goddess as the giver of success (Siddhi) and wisdom (Buddhi). She is revered as the one who bestows both material enjoyment (Bhukti) and spiritual liberation (Mukti). The devotee acknowledges her as the embodiment of sacred mantras and seeks her blessings for success and enlightenment.
Verse 5:
Aadi-Anta-Rahite Devi Aadya-Shakti-Maheshvari।
Yogaje Yoga-Sambhuute Mahaalakssmi Namostute॥5॥
In the fifth verse, Goddess Mahalakshmi is described as eternal (Aadi-Anta-Rahite) and the primal power (Aadya-Shakti) from which the universe originates. She is recognized as the divine energy that emerges from the practice of yoga (Yogaje Yoga-Sambhuute). The devotee pays homage to her as the source of all creation.
Verse 6:
Sthuula-Suukssma-Mahaaraudre Mahaa-Shakti-Mahodare।
Mahaa-Paapa-Hare Devi Mahaalakssmi Namostute॥6॥
The sixth verse portrays the goddess as both gross (Sthuula) and subtle (Suukssma), symbolizing her presence in all aspects of existence. She is also described as fierce (Mahaaraudre) and the great power (Mahaa-Shakti) residing in the cosmic womb (Mahodare). She is the destroyer of great sins (Mahaa-Paapa-Hare), and the devotee seeks her blessings to cleanse their soul.
Verse 7:
Padmaa-Asana-Sthite Devi Para-Brahma-Svaruupinni।
Parameshi Jaganmaatar-Mahaalakssmi Namostute॥7॥
The seventh verse presents the goddess seated on a lotus throne (Padmaa-Asana-Sthite), signifying her purity and transcendental nature. She is identified as the ultimate reality (Para-Brahma-Svaruupinni) and the supreme ruler (Parameshi) of the universe. The devotee reveres her as the divine mother of the world (Jaganmaatar).
Verse 8:
Shveta-Ambara-Dhare Devi Naana-Alangkaara-Bhuussite।
Jagat-Sthite Jaganmaatar-Mahaalakssmi Namostute॥8॥
In the eighth and final verse, the goddess is described as wearing white garments (Shveta-Ambara-Dhare) adorned with various ornaments (Naana-Alangkaara-Bhuussite). She is recognized as the one who sustains the entire universe (Jagat-Sthite). The devotee pays homage to her as the universal mother and seeks her blessings.
The Mahalakshmi Ashtakam is a profound hymn that invokes the blessings of Goddess Mahalakshmi, the deity of wealth and abundance. Each verse of this hymn praises different aspects of the goddess’s divine attributes, emphasizing her role as the bestower of blessings, remover of obstacles, and source of ultimate liberation. Devotees recite these verses with deep reverence and devotion, seeking her grace and guidance in their journey towards prosperity and spiritual enlightenment
Mahalakshmi Ashtakam Lyrics Credits
rack | Mahalakshmi Ashtakam |
Singer | Anuradha Paudwal |
Composer | Shailesh Dani |
Lyrics | Traditional |
Language | Sanskrit |
Label | Times Music Spiritual |
FAQ on Mahalakshmi Ashtakam Lyrics
What are the benefits of chanting Mahalakshmi Ashtakam?
Mahalakshmi Ashtakam: Significance, Lyrics and Meaning ,
To receive the blessings of Mother Goddess and have a prosperous and peaceful life, devotees chant Mahalakshmi Ashtakam. Mantra is considered one of the most auspicious prayers, mantra brings out and nurtures auspicious qualities and leads the person towards self-realization.
What is the meaning of Lakshmi Stotra written by Indra?
Indra Krit Lakshmi Stotra is a prayer offered by Lord Indra to Goddess Shri Maha Lakshmi Devi. It is said that when Lord Indra lost all his wealth due to the curse of sage Durvasa, he composed and recited this Lakshmi Stotra addressed to Sri Maha Lakshmi Devi, who appeared and gave back all his wealth.
What is the powerful mantra of Mahalakshmi?
In Sanskrit – “Om Shri Mahalakshmyai Cha Vidmahe Vishnu Patniy Cha Dhimahi Tanno Lakshmi Prachodayat Om.” Meaning – “I meditate on the great goddess, the wife of Lord Vishnu, may she bless me with high intelligence and grant me abundant wealth and opulence.”
What is Mahalakshmi’s mantra for success?
Om Shri Hreem Kleem Tribhuvan Mahalakshmyai Asmanak Daridrya Deshay Abundant Wealth Dehi Dehi Kleem Hreem Shri Om. Meaning: May abundant wealth and prosperity be with you. This Lakshmi Mantra has to be recited loudly 1.25 lakh times within 72 days and after this Lakshmi Mantra, Havan has to be performed.
How to use Lakshmi Mantra?
Lakshmi Mantra Benefits, importance and method of chanting…
The mantra should be chanted 108 times with a lotus or crystal rosary. If you need less money then you have to chant Lakshmi Beej Mantra 108 times for three days and if you need more money then you have to chant it 108×3 times in a day. Keeping the idol of the goddess in front will help in concentrating on the mantra.
What is the benefit of Lakshmi Stotram written by Indra?
If it is repeated five lakh times, this prayer will lead him to divine powers, but if it is recited continuously for a whole month without stopping, he will, without any doubt, become Indra, the king of the gods.
Which mantra attracts money?
Attract wealth by chanting Kuber Mantra
There are many mantras that you can chant to impress Lord Kuber. However, if you are trying to relieve financial stress and attract prosperity and success there is a special remedy. Mantra: Om Shri Hreem Kleem Shri Kleem Vitteshwaray Namah. (Om Shree Hreem Kleem Shree Kleem Vitteshwaray Namah)
Which mantra is powerful for all problems?
6 mantras of Lord Shiva which are powerful enough to solve all the problems…
It is a form of the Gayatri Mantra, the most powerful mantra in Hinduism. Shiv Gayatri Mantra is extremely powerful, it gives you mental peace and pleases Lord Shiva.
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