Ashakya Hi Shakya Kartil Swami Marathi Lyrics is also known as Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra (श्री स्वामी समर्थ तारक मंत्र) is very popular in Maharashtra. The natives of Maharashtra worship Shri Swami Samarth as an incarnation.

By chanting his Tarak Mantra, people give themselves patience, strength, and confidence that the power of Swami Samarth ji is always with them. In this article, we will give you information about Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra along with its meaning.
Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra
Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra Lyrics In Hindi
॥ श्री स्वामी समर्थ ॥
गुरु ब्रम्हा गुरु विष्णू
गुरुः देवो महेश्वरा
गुरु शाक्षात परब्रम्हा
तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः
निशंक होई रे मना,निर्भय होई रे मना।
प्रचंड स्वामीबळ पाठीशी, नित्य आहे रे मना।
अतर्क्य अवधूत हे स्मर्तुगामी,
अशक्य ही शक्य करतील स्वामी।।१।।
जिथे स्वामीचरण तिथे न्युन्य काय,
स्वये भक्त प्रारब्ध घडवी ही माय।
आज्ञेवीना काळ ही ना नेई त्याला,
परलोकी ही ना भीती तयाला
अशक्य ही शक्य करतील स्वामी।।२।।
उगाची भितोसी भय हे पळु दे,
वसे अंतरी ही स्वामीशक्ति कळु दे।
जगी जन्म मृत्यु असे खेळ ज्यांचा,
नको घाबरू तू असे बाळ त्यांचा
अशक्य ही शक्य करतील स्वामी।।३।।
खरा होई जागा श्रद्धेसहित,
कसा होसी त्याविण तू स्वामिभक्त।
आठव! कितीदा दिली त्यांनीच साथ,
नको डगमगु स्वामी देतील हात
अशक्य ही शक्य करतील स्वामी।।४।।
विभूति नमननाम ध्यानार्दी तीर्थ,
स्वामीच या पंचामृतात।
हे तीर्थ घेइ आठवी रे प्रचिती,
ना सोडती तया, जया स्वामी घेती हाती ।।५।।
अशक्य ही शक्य करतील स्वामी
अशक्य ही शक्य करतील स्वामी
Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra Lyrics In English
nishank ho nirbhay ho manaan re
prachand swamibal pathishi re
nishank ho nirbhay ho manaan re
prachand swamibal pathishi re
atarky avadhut he smarangami
ashakya hi shakya kartil swami
ashakya hi shakya kartil swami
ashakya hi shakya kartil swami
jithe swami paay, tithe nune kaay?
swaye bhakt praarabdh ghadvi hi maay
jithe swami paay, tithe nune kaay?
swaye bhakt praarabdh ghadvi hi maay
ajnevina kal naa nei tyaalaa
paralokahi naa bhiti tayala
paralokahi naa bhiti tayala
paralokahi naa bhiti tayala
ugich bhitosi bhayan he palu de
jawali ubhi swami shakti kalu de
ugich bhitosi bhayan he palu de
jawali ubhi swami shakti kalu de
jaagi janm mrityu ase khel jyancha
nako ghaabaru tu ase bal tyaancha
nako ghaabaru tu ase bal tyaancha
nako ghaabaru tu ase bal tyaancha
khara hoi jaagaa shraddhesahit
ksaa hoshi tyavin tu swamibhakt?
khara hoi jaagaa shraddhesahit
ksaa hoshi tyavin tu swamibhakt?
kitida dilaa bol tyanich haat
nako dagamagu swami detil saath
nako dagamagu swami detil saath
nako dagamagu swami detil saath
vibhuti naman naam dhyanadi tirth
swamich yaa panchprana mritaat
vibhuti naman naam dhyanadi tirth
swamich yaa panchprana mritaat
he tirth ghe aathvi re prachiti
he tirth ghe aathvi re prachiti
na sodi kada swami jya ghei haati
na sodi kada swami jya ghei haati
na sodi kada swami jya ghei haati
Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra With Meaning। स्वामी समर्थ तारक मंत्र अर्थ सहित
गुरु ब्रम्हा गुरु विष्णू,
गुरुः देवो महेश्वरा।
गुरु शाक्षात परब्रम्हा,
तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नमः।।
अर्थात्: गुरु ही ब्रह्मा है, गुरु ही विष्णु है, गुरु ही भगवान शिव है। गुरु ही पर ब्रह्म है, और गुरु को मैं प्रणाम करता हूं।
निशंक होई रे मना निर्भय होई रे मना,
प्रचंड स्वामी बळ पाठीशी नित्यं आहे रे।
मना अतर्क्य अवधूत हे स्मरणगामी,
अशक्य ही शक्य करतील स्वामी ।।
अर्थात्: हे मन, तुम निशंक (बिना शंका) के और निडर रहो. सर्व शाक्तिशाली स्वामी सदा तुम्हारे साथ है. अतर्क्य अवधृत है स्मृत गामी. असंभव को संभव भी करेंगे स्वामी.
जिथे स्वामीपाय तिथे न्युन काय,
स्वये भक्त प्रारब्ध घडवी ही माय।
आज्ञेविन काळ ना नेई,
त्यालापरलोकीही ना भिती तयाला।।
अर्थात: जहां स्वामी जी के चरण हो, वहां किस चीज की कमी है. भक्तों का भाग्य स्वयं लिखते है स्वामी.
स्वामी जी की कृपा जिस पर भी होती है उसे तीनों लोकों में डर नहीं होता.
उगाचि भितोसी भय हे पळु दे,
वसे अंतरी ही स्वामी शक्ती कळू दे।
जगी जन्म मृत्यू असे खेळ ज्यांचा,
नको घाबरू तू असे बाळ त्यांचा,
अशक्य ही शक्य करतील स्वामी ।।
अर्थात्: बिना कारण के डरता है तू, डर को भगा दे, मन में बसे स्वामी की शक्ति को समझ ले.
जीना मरना सब खेल है उनका, तुम डरो नहीं, तुम उनके बच्चे के समान हो. असंभव को भी स्वामी संभव करेंगे.
खरा होई जागा श्रद्धेसहीत कसा,
होसी त्याविण तू स्वामी भक्त।
आठव कितीदा दिली त्यांनीच साथ,
नको डगमगू स्वामी देतील हात,
अशक्य ही शक्य करतील स्वामी ।।
अर्थात्: दिल में जगा लो तुम श्रद्धा की ज्योति, तभी तुम बन सकोगे स्वामी भक्त.
कई बार दिया है तुमको सहारा, डरो नहीं स्वामी हमेशा तुम्हारा साथ देंगे. असंभव को भी स्वामी संभव करेंगे.
विभुती नमन नाम ध्यानादी,
तीर्थस्वामीच ह्या पंचप्राणामृतात।
हे तीर्थ घे आठवी रे प्रचिती,
न सोडी कदा स्वामी ज्या घेई हाती।।
अर्थात्: विभूति, नमन, नाम, ध्यानादी , तीर्थ, इन पांच प्राणों में स्वामी ही व्याप्त है.
स्वामी ही रहते है हर पल साथ, एक बार हाथ थाम लिया तो वो हाथ कभी नही छोड़ते.
Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra (स्वामी समर्थ तारक मंत्र) जाप करने की विधि
We have given you information about Swami ji’s Tarak mantra along with its meaning, now we give you information about the proper method of chanting this mantra. There are many benefits of chanting Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra (Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra) with proper method.
आसन –position
Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra (Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra) should be chanted while sitting on the ground or on a clean and clean posture. Those who have problems in their feet or knees can chant while sitting on a chair.
Special care should be taken that the chair should be clean and pure. Do not use such a chair sitting on which non-vegetarian food has been consumed at any time.
माला -Mala
Rudraksh or Tulsi garland should be used for chanting the mantra. Use only one garland each time. Do not make the mistake of changing the garland.
चित्र – Picture
it’s mandatory. At the time of chanting Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra (Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra), there should be picture or photo of Shri Swami Samarth. One should chant mantras after saluting his picture or photo. If you don’t do this, there is no result of mantra chanting.
समय – Time
Although Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra can be chanted at any time, but knowledgeable people always advise that this holy mantra should be chanted in the morning. After waking up in the morning, after washing hands and feet, this mantra should be chanted while sitting on the ground, seat or chair.
श्री स्वामी समर्थ मंत्र जप उपाय | Shree Swami Samarth Mantra
While chanting Shri Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra, you have to take water in a bowl and place an incense stick near it in such a way that the ashes of the incense stick fall into the water. And after chanting the mantra, everyone in the house should take that water like nectar.
While chanting Shri Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra, you have to take a glass full of water and keep your hand over it or even if you do not keep your hand, then keep that glass in front of Shri Swami Samarth, you can chant it any number of times. It depends on you, now after completion of chanting, that water becomes like nectar, you should take it and give it to your family members as well.
If there is someone in your house with whom you are very upset for one reason or the other, they bother you or you are upset because of their anger. If they don’t behave with you as per your wish, then you can chant Tarak mantra for such a person also and you have to chant this mantra along with a glass of water.
With this you will see the difference in their behavior.
This water is very sacred, take it little by little like the water of the Ganges and sprinkle it in the whole house while chanting the mantra “Shri Swami Samarth”. Keep in mind, sprinkle in the whole house except the bathroom toilet. This will make your whole house holy. By doing this, there will always be a positive atmosphere in your house, there will be no fights and no problems will come upon you.
Some special things about Shri Swami Samarth Maharaj
Shri Swami Samarth This is not just a name but a Shadakshari mantra in itself. Swami is love, joy, life and energy, he is always awake. For the salvation of the living beings, God himself has come in the form of Shri Swami Samarth.
Swami ji is the real God who incarnates immediately on the call of the devotees. Shri Swami Samarth Maharaj ji says that whether you worship me or not, take my name or not, I am always everywhere like wind, whether one believes in the power of wind or not, still it is wind and it has to keep flowing. Nature is. Swami is also like that and it is his nature to keep showering blessings.
Just as no one can take away the sweetness from sugar, in the same way no one can take away Swamiji’s nature. Swami’s incarnation is the fourth in the Datta sect. The whole world power starts its incarnation work by taking a saguna form. Then the special form of the body taken, even the birth chart, everything is wonderful. Everyone starts welcoming and serving Riddhi-Siddhi. The six qualities of God are: Aishwarya, Dharma, Yash, Vaibhav, Jnana and Vairagya. These are also called Sadgun and Bhag. Bhag means Bhagwant or God, who has these six virtues. Just as the one who has power is called Shaktivaan, similarly Bhag-Bhagwan.
Swami ji does whatever comes in his mind like sometimes he does not take bath and sometimes he takes bath 4 times in a day, still his body smells of sandalwood, flowers and incense. Similarly, when Swami ji used to sit for food, he used to eat more than 100 jowar roti (bhakri) and sometimes for months he would not eat anything and even he would not drink water. Swami ji’s talk is unique, his pastimes are known only by Swami ji himself.
Swami ji likes to eat sweets after waking up in the morning like masala milk, kheer or curry panna. Swami ji sometimes used to ask for food from the door itself and used to feed the cow by calling it my mother. Swami ji likes cow and dog very much, he used to sit with mother cow and dog in his food plate. And used to feed them with love with their own hands.
Swamiji’s devotee Gopal Krishna Bua Kelkar has seen Swamiji with her own eyes. According to him, Swami never sleeps completely, sometimes he covers himself with a blanket, sometimes at 1:30-2 o’clock in the night he sings Abhang hymns, recites some words of the Quran and sometimes explains the Vedas, and sometimes Sometimes Dhyanamurthy used to talk to himself in different languages. Swami ji is very fond of bitter neem, bad and audumbar trees.
Swami ji is rich in many languages, but wherever he used to live, Hindi or Marathi language used to work. Swami ji used to play a lot with small children and also guide them, used to give them values and used to play with children like a child. A mother cow named Nanda has immense love and affection for Swamiji and Swamiji for her. Swami used to stay away from the people who criticized him and used to show them the way in his own way. Such a unique and wonderful incarnation of Swami ji is a great leela of God.
One day a Parsi man from Calcutta asked Swami ji, Swami, where have you come from? Swami ji replied, I came out from Kardal forest Himalayas, then Haridwar visited Kedareshwar, then Jagannath Puri in Bengal after visiting Kali Maa, then after spending a few years on the banks of the Ganges, Pandharpur, Mohol, Sholapur, Akkalkot in Maharashtra, such are my journey and Now I belong to Akkalkot. In many such places, he got many names, but somewhere he was called Chanchal Bharti, Nrusingh Saraswati, Digambar Bua in Mangalvedha and Swami Maharaj in Akkalkot.
Everyone used to come to Swami ji to ask their problems, there used to be a huge crowd of devotees near him. Swamiji never discriminated against any religion. They considered Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians all equal. They said what is there in caste-religion, the soul is the same whether it is a creature or a human being. On hearing such enlightening words of Swami ji, people used to feel that he is showering nectar. Swami ji always used to inspire people to attain self-knowledge and also used to fulfill their questions.
Once a person named Syed came to Swamiji’s monastery and said loudly, “Why, where is the owner of Akkalkot?” Swami ji replied that the master of Akkalkot is in Akkalkot only, what do you see here. After getting the answer, he understood what he wanted to understand. His tomb was established there.
After a while Swami’s source came out of his mouth, he started praising Swami and started saying loudly that he had seen God, he saw God in Akkalkot. It is a matter of luck that I am your man. Syed started speaking all this. The special thing about Swami ji is that the devotee used to give darshan in whatever form he wanted, be it Lord Shiva, Shri Ram, Shri Krishna, Vitthal, even he used to give darshan in the form of God, Allah. He also did not return disappointed from Swamiji’s door.
श्री स्वामी समर्थ तारक मंत्र जप के लाभ | Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra
There are many benefits of chanting Shri Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra and by this Swami Samarth ji’s blessings always remain on you. So let’s give you information about the benefits of Tarak Mantra.
Friends, Tarak Mantra is very effective mantra of Swami Samarth ji. Its meaning is contained in these two words “Tarak Mantra”. Swami Samarth always takes some or the other measures to remove the person who is troubled by illness, who is suffering from tension. That’s why Swami ji has given us “Shri Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra” as a priceless gift. Tarak mantra is very powerful mantra. There is so much power in Tarak Mantra that you or we cannot even imagine it. These are the powers of Swami Samarth ji which are included in this Tarak mantra.
When you chant Tarak Mantra, you will automatically feel a mental force in yourself. Many people have chanted this mantra and got many benefits from it. If you feel mental stress and you feel that everything is over now, you do not see any hope or ray of hope. Then this mantra acts as a guide for you. Swami Samarth himself shows you the right path by chanting Tarak Mantra.
If your work is stuck, you are not getting success in any work, due to which you remain upset, disappointed, have lost courage, then there is only one panacea for all these things and that is Shri Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra. To chant By chanting this mantra you will always feel positive and your life will move towards success.
The power of Swami Samarth ji is so much that no one can even touch you without his permission. Just as a mother cannot see her child in sorrow, similarly Shri Swami Samarth ji cannot see his devotees in sorrow. If you chant Shri Swami Samarth Tarak mantra, then you do not need to worry because by chanting the mantra, Shri Swami Samarth ji’s hand is always on your head, he will save you from every trouble.
By chanting Shri Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra, there is communication of power within us. Swami Samarth ji comes and takes away all our sorrows by chanting this mantra. By chanting this mantra slowly, there is communication of strength and power in us, this is the experience of the devotees of Swami Samarth ji.
By chanting Shri Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra, a time will come when your friends will ask you what you are doing that you are getting success so quickly. But only you will know the answer to this that such Swami Samarth ji’s hand is on you, without whose will not even a leaf of the tree moves.
By chanting Shri Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra (Swami Samarth Tarak Mantra), you will get rid of all kinds of mental, physical sorrows and your mind will always be positive and there will be a positive atmosphere in the house as well.
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