
Mere Banke Bihari Lal Lyrics Bhajan मेरे बांके बिहारी लाल लिरिक्स भजन

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Looking for the lyrics of the popular Hindi song “Mere Banke Bihari Lal” in Hindi & English along with its meaning, translation & Video song with lyrics. We provide the full lyrics of “Mere Banke Bihari Lal” in both Hindi and English, along with a pronunciation guide to help you sing along. We also explain the meaning of the song’s lyrics and provide a translation to help you understand the song’s message. Whether you’re a fan of Bollywood music or simply looking to expand your knowledge of Hindi, our “ Mere Banke Bihari Lal” lyrics blog post is the perfect resource for you. Check it out now and start enjoying this beautiful song!

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  • Mere Banke Bihari Lal Song Details
  • Mere Banke Bihari Lal Song On Youtube
  • Mere Banke Bihari Lal Lyrics in Hindi
  • Mere Banke Bihari Lal Lyrics in English
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Mere Banke Bihari Lal Song On Youtube

Mere Banke Bihari Lal Song On Youtube

Mere Banke Bihari Lal Lyrics in Hindi

मेरे बांके बिहारी लाल,
तू इतना ना करिओ श्रृंगार,
नजर तोहे लग जाएगी ।

तेरी सुरतिया पे मन मोरा अटका ।
प्यारा लागे तेरा पीला पटका ।
तेरी टेढ़ी मेढ़ी चाल, तू इतना ना करिओ श्रृंगार,
नजर तोहे लग जाएगी ॥
मेरे बांके बिहारी लाल…॥

तेरी मुरलिया पे मन मेरा अटका ।
प्यारा लागे तेरा नीला पटका ।
तेरे गुंगार वाले बाल, तू इतना ना करिओ श्रृंगार,
नजर तोहे लग जाएगी ॥
मेरे बांके बिहारी लाल…॥

तेरी कमरिया पे मन मोरा अटका ।
प्यारा लागे तेरा काला पटका ।
तेरे गल में वैजयंती माल, तू इतना ना करिओ श्रृंगार,
नजर तोहे लग जाएगी ॥
मेरे बांके बिहारी लाल…॥

मेरे बांके बिहारी लाल, तू इतना ना करिओ श्रृंगार,
नजर तोहे लग जाएगी ।

Mere Banke Bihari Lal Lyrics in English

Mere Banke Bihari Lal, Tu Itna Na Kario Shringar,
Najar Tohe Lag Jayegi ।

Teri Suratiya Pe Man Mora Atka ।
Pyara Lage Tera Peela Patka ।
Teri Tedhi Medhi Chaal, Tu Itna Na Kario Shringar,
Najar Tohe Lag Jayegi ॥
Mere Banke Bihari Lal… ॥

Teri Muraliya Pe Man Mera Atka ।
Pyara Lage Tera Neela Patka ।
Tere Gungar Wale Baal, Tu Itna Na Kario Shringar,
Najar Tohe Lag Jayegi ॥
Mere Banke Bihari Lal… ॥

Teri Kamariya Pe Man Mora Atka ।
Pyara Lage Tera Kala Patka ।
Tere Gal Mein Vaijayanti Maal, Tu Itna Na Kario Shringar,
Najar Tohe Lag Jayegi ॥
Mere Banke Bihari Lal… ॥

Mere Banke Bihari Lal, Tu Itna Na Kario Shringar,
Najar Tohe Lag Jayegi ।

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Hi! I am Sonali. I am a teacher and I love to write and read. I also like to listen to good songs and review and write down the lyrics. I have three years of experience in writing lyrics. And I am posting this written song on Hinditracks.co.in website so that by reading the lyrics of this song you too can sing and make your heart happy.

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