
Está Dañada Lyrics in English – Ivan Cornejo | Letra de “Está Dañada”

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Está Dañada Lyrics is written by Ivan Cornejo .This song is from the Alma Vacía album and produced by Ivan Cornejo . Find the perfect lyrics of Está Dañada song in English and enjoy by singing along with Music Video Song on Youtube. Love this song?  Learn how to loop this song or any YouTube video here.

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Letra de “Está Dañada” | Está Dañada Lyrics in Spanish

Start of the Lyrics

[Verso 1]
Esta dañada del amor, no siente ningún dolor
Su felicidad terminó, su esperanza desapareció

Ya no cree en el amor, su fe se le acabó
Ya no cree en el amor, llueve cada día en su mundo

Su sonrisa, su carita
Sus manitas, ay, qué delicia
Ay, qué bonita está tu carita
Le gusta bailar con sus amigas
Eso le saca su hermosa sonrisa
Su hermosa sonrisa, ay, qué delicia

Pura Manzanita

[Verso 2]
Se movía bien rico al reggaetón
Todas las noches cantando la canción
Que bailamos, nos besamos bien borrachos
Y cuando estés llorando, encerrada en tu cuarto
Espero que tú cantes mi canción

La, la-la, la-la
La, la-la, la-la, ah
La, la-la, la-la
La, la-la, la-la, ah

End of the Lyrics

Está Dañada Lyrics in English

Start of the Lyrics

[Verse 1]
She is damaged by love, doesn’t feel any pain
Her happiness has ended, her faith has vanished

She doesn’t believe in love anymore, she ran out of faith
She doesn’t believe in love anymore, every day it rains in her world

Her smile, her small face
Her little hands, oh, what a delight
Oh, how pretty your small face is
She likes to dance with her friends
That brings out her beautiful smile
Her beautiful smile, oh, what a delight

All Manzanita

[Verse 2]
She moved so delightfully to reggaetón
Every night singing the song
That we danced to, we kissed each other very drunk
And when you’re crying, locked up in your room
I hope you sing my song

La, la-la, la-la
La, la-la, la-la, ah
La, la-la, la-la
La, la-la, la-la, ah

End of the Lyrics

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Opinion on Está Dañada Lyrics

The lyrics here provided depict a poignant and emotional story of a woman who has been deeply hurt by love and is struggling to find happiness and faith again. It seems to touch on themes of heartbreak, loss, and memories of happier times. Here’s an opinion on these lyrics:

The lyrics paint a vivid picture of a woman who has been through significant emotional turmoil. The opening verse sets the tone by describing her as “damaged by love” and devoid of joy and faith. This portrayal of her emotional state immediately captures the listener’s attention, creating a sense of empathy and curiosity about her journey.

The pre-chorus emphasizes her loss of belief in love and faith, which is further intensified by the metaphor of rain in her world, signifying continuous sadness and despair. The repetition of the line “She doesn’t believe in love anymore” adds to the emotional weight of the song, effectively conveying her sense of hopelessness.

The chorus introduces a contrasting element, focusing on the beauty of the woman’s smile, face, and hands. Despite her emotional struggles, there is still a sense of admiration and appreciation for her presence. The mention of dancing with friends as a source of joy highlights the contrast between her inner turmoil and the moments of happiness she experiences.

The post-chorus mentioning “All Manzanita” adds an intriguing touch to the lyrics, possibly referring to a specific place or symbol that holds significance in her life. This repetition reinforces the emotional connection to this person or place.

The second verse takes the listener on a nostalgic trip down memory lane, reminiscing about dancing and singing together while intoxicated with love. It suggests a history of passionate romance and the remnants of the connection that still linger, as the writer hopes she continues to remember their shared moments.

The outro, with its simple and repetitive melody, serves as a somber yet contemplative conclusion to the song.

Overall, the lyrics evoke a strong sense of empathy for the woman’s emotional journey, capturing the complexities of love, loss, and healing. The combination of heartfelt descriptions and subtle poetic elements makes the song emotionally resonant, allowing listeners to connect with the pain and beauty portrayed in the narrative.

Está Dañada Lyrics Credits

  • SONG – Está Dañada
  • ARTIST – Ivan Cornejo
  • ALBUM – Alma Vacía
  • LICENCES – The Orchard Music (on behalf of Manzana Records, Inc.); UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA – UBEM, Sony Music Publishing, LatinAutorPerf, Warner Chappell, SOLAR Music Rights Management, CMRRA, LatinAutor – SonyATV, and 5 music rights societies

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Hi! I am Sonali. I am a teacher and I love to write and read. I also like to listen to good songs and review and write down the lyrics. I have three years of experience in writing lyrics. And I am posting this written song on Hinditracks.co.in website so that by reading the lyrics of this song you too can sing and make your heart happy.

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