
आओ भोग लगाओ प्यारे मोहन – भोग आरती |Aao Bhog Lagao Mere Mohan: Bhog Aarti

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Enjoy by Listening and Singing with Aao Bhog Lagao Mere Mohan: Bhog Aarti In Hindi and English along with Video Song On Youtube. Aao Bhog Lagao Mere Mohan: Bhog Aarti is a devotional Hindu ceremony that includes presenting food to a god and then distributing it to worshippers as prasad.

Bhog Aarti

It is considered that bringing food to the god allows one to show appreciation and seek heavenly favours. The Aao Bhog Lagao Mere Mohan: Bhog Aarti is often done at festivals or special events, and is accompanied by hymns and mantra chanting.

The ritual is a technique to connect with the divine and develop one’s spiritual practise. It is a wonderful display of dedication and faith that has been practised for generations.

Bhog Aarti Video Song on Youtube

Bhog Aarti Video Song on Youtube

Bhog Aarti In Hindi

आओ भोग लगाओ प्यारे मोहन…

दुर्योधन को मेवा त्यागो,
साग विदुर घर खायो प्यारे मोहन,
आओ भोग लगाओ प्यारे मोहन…

भिलनी के बैर सुदामा के तंडुल
रूचि रूचि भोग लगाओ प्यारे मोहन…
आओ भोग लगाओ प्यारे मोहन…

वृदावन की कुञ्ज गली मे,
आओं रास रचाओ मेरे मोहन,
आओ भोग लगाओ प्यारे मोहन…

राधा और मीरा भी बोले,
मन मंदिर में आओ मेरे मोहन,
आओ भोग लगाओ प्यारे मोहन…

गिरी, छुआरा, किशमिश मेवा,
माखन मिश्री खाओ मेरे मोहन,
आओ भोग लगाओ प्यारे मोहन…

सत युग त्रेता दवापर कलयुग,
हर युग दरस दिखाओ मेरे मोहन,
आओ भोग लगाओ प्यारे मोहन…

जो कोई तुम्हारा भोग लगावे
सुख संपति घर आवे प्यारे मोहन,
आओ भोग लगाओ प्यारे मोहन…

ऐसा भोग लगाओ प्यारे मोहन
सब अमृत हो जाये प्यारे मोहन,
आओ भोग लगाओ प्यारे मोहन…

जो कोई ऐसा भोग को खावे
सो त्यारा हो जाये प्यारे मोहन,
आओ भोग लगाओ प्यारे मोहन…

आओ भोग लगाओ प्यारे मोहन…

Bhog Aarti In English

Aao bhog lagawo pyare mohan…

Bhilanie ke bair Sudama ke tandul
Ruchi ruchi bhog lagawo pyare Mohan…

Duryodhan ko mewa tyaago
Saaga Vidur ghar khayo pyare Mohan…

Jo koyee tumhara bhoag lagawe
Sukh sampattie ghar aaway pyare Mohan…

Aisa bhoag lagawo pyare Mohan
Sab amrit ho jayay pyare Mohan…

Jo koyee aisa bhoag ko khaawe
So tayra ho jayay pyare Mohan…

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Hi! I am Sonali. I am a teacher and I love to write and read. I also like to listen to good songs and review and write down the lyrics. I have three years of experience in writing lyrics. And I am posting this written song on Hinditracks.co.in website so that by reading the lyrics of this song you too can sing and make your heart happy.