
Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi Lyrics मिलने है मुझसे – Aashiqui 2

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Looking for the lyrics of the popular Hindi song “Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi” in Hindi & English along with its meaning, translation & Video song with lyrics. We provide the full lyrics of “Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi” in both Hindi and English, along with a pronunciation guide to help you sing along. We also explain the meaning of the song’s lyrics and provide a translation to help you understand the song’s message. Whether you’re a fan of Bollywood music or simply looking to expand your knowledge of Hindi, our “ Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi” lyrics blog post is the perfect resource for you. Check it out now and start enjoying this beautiful song!

  • Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi Lyrics Introduction
  • Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi Song Details
  • Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi Song On Youtube
  • Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi Lyrics in Hindi
  • Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi Lyrics in English
  • FAQ On Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi Lyrics

Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi Lyrics Introduction

Milne Hai Mujhse is a song from Aditya Roy Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor’s album Aashiqui2. Arijit Singh sang the song, which was written by Jeet Gannguly and performed by him.

Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi Song Details

 Milne Hai Mujhse
SingerArijit Singh
AlbumAashiqui 2​ (2013)
LyricistIrshad Kamil
MusicJeet Ganguly
DirectorMohit Suri
CastAditya Roy Kapoor, Shraddha Kapoor
Music LabelT- Series
Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi Song Details

Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi Song On Youtube

Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi Song On Youtube

Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi Lyrics in Hindi

मिलने है मुझसे आई
फिर जाने क्यूँ तन्हाई
किस मोड़ पे है लायी, आशिक़ी
ख़ुद से है या ख़ुदा से
इस पल मेरी लड़ाई
किस मोड़ पे है लायी, आशिक़ी

आशिक़ी बाज़ी है ताश की
टूटते बनते विश्वास की
मिलने है मुझसे आई…

जाने क्यूँ मैं सोचता हूँ
खाली सा मैं इक रास्ता हूँ
तूने मुझे कहीं खो दिया है
या मैं कहीं ख़ुद लापता हूँ
आ ढूँढ ले तू फिर मुझे
कसमें भी दूँ तो क्या तुझे
आशिक़ी बाज़ी है ताश की…

टूटा हुआ साज़ हूँ मैं
खुद से ही नाराज़ हूँ मैं
सीने में जो कहीं पे दबी है
ऐसी कोई आवाज़ हूँ मैं
सुन ले मुझे तू बिन कहे
कब तक खामोशी दिल सहे
आशिक़ी बाज़ी है ताश की…

Milne Hai Mujhse Aayi Lyrics in English

Milne hai mujhse aayi
Phir jaane kyun tanhaai
Kis mod pe hai laayi aashiqui
O.. khud se hai ya Khuda se
Iss pal meri ladaai
Kis mod pe hai laayi aashiqui
O o…

Aashiqui baazi hai taash ki
Toot.te bante vishwaas ki
O.. Milne hai mujhse aayi
Phir jaane kyun tanhaai
Kis mod pe hai laayi aashiqui

Jaane kyun main sochta hoon
Khaali sa main, ik raasta hoon
Tune mujhe kahin kho diya hai
Yaa main kahin khud laapata hoon
Aa dhoond le tu phir mujhe
Kasamein bhi doon toh kya tujhe…

Aashiqui baazi hai taash ki
Toot.te bante vishwaas ki
O.. Milne hai mujhse aayi..
Phir jaane kyun tanhaai
Kis mod pe hai laayi aashiqui

Toota hua saaz hoon main
Khud se hi naaraz hoon main
Seene mein jo kahin pe dabi hai
Aisi koi aawaaz hoon main
Sun le mujhe tu bin kahe..
Kab tak khaamoshi dil sahe..

Aashiqui baazi hai taash ki
Toot..te bante vishwaas ki [x2]

O milne hai mujhse aayi
Phir jaane kyun tanhaai
Kis mod pe hai laayi aashiqui

O Khud se hai ya Khuda se
Iss pal meri ladaai
Kis mod pe hai laayi aashiqui
O o ho…

Aashiqui baazi hai taash ki
Toot.te bante vishwaas ki

Aashiqui baazi hai taash ki

Toot.te bante vishwaas ki…

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Hi! I am Sonali. I am a teacher and I love to write and read. I also like to listen to good songs and review and write down the lyrics. I have three years of experience in writing lyrics. And I am posting this written song on Hinditracks.co.in website so that by reading the lyrics of this song you too can sing and make your heart happy.

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