
दुर्गे दुर्घट भारी Durge Durgat Bhari Lyrics | Aga Bai Arechha

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Looking for the lyrics of the popular Hindi song “Durge Durgat Bhari” in Hindi & English along with its meaning, translation & Video song with lyrics. We provide the full lyrics of “Durge Durgat Bhari” in both Hindi and English, along with a pronunciation guide to help you sing along. We also explain the meaning of the song’s lyrics and provide a translation to help you understand the song’s message. Whether you’re a fan of Bollywood music or simply looking to expand your knowledge of Hindi, our “ Durge Durgat Bhari” lyrics blog post is the perfect resource for you. Check it out now and start enjoying this beautiful song!

  • Durge Durgat Bhari Lyrics Introduction
  • Durge Durgat Bhari Song Details
  • Durge Durgat Bhari Song On Youtube
  • Durge Durgat Bhari Lyrics in Marathi
  • Durge Durgat Bhari Lyrics in English
  • FAQ On Durge Durgat Bhari Lyrics

Durge Durgat Bhari Lyrics Introduction

‘Durge Durgatbhari Tujvin Sansari’ is a Marathi devotional song sung in praise of Goddess Durga. Devotees sing this aarti during Navratri, a major Hindu festival of nine nights. Goddess Durga is the most popular incarnation of Goddess and one of the main forms of Goddess Shakti. The word ‘Durga’ means the destroyer of sorrows. Goddess Durga is regarded as the mother of the universe and her image is a symbol of power and divinity for her devotees.

Durge Durgat Bhari lyrics from the Marathi movie Aga Bai Arechha. Starring Sanjay Narvekar, Dilip Prabhavalkar.

Durge Durgat Bhari Song Details

Song: Durge Durgat bhari
Movie: Aga bai arechha
Music: Ajay-Atul
singer: Ajay Gogavale
Music on: Video Palace

Durge Durgat Bhari Song On Youtube

Durge Durgat Bhari Song On Youtube

Durge Durgat Bhari Lyrics in Marathi

दुर्गे दुर्गटभारी तुजविण संसारी
अनाथनाथे अंबे करुणा विस्तारी
वारी वारी जन्म मरणांतें वारी
हारी पडलो आता संकट निवारी॥१॥
जय देवी जय देवी जय महिषासुरमथिनी
सुरवर ईश्वरदे तारक संजीवनी, जय देवी जय देवी ॥धृ॥
त्रिभुवनी भुवनी पाहता तुज ऐसे नाही
चारी श्रमले परंतु न बोलवे काही
साही विवाद करता पडले प्रवाही
ते तू भक्तांलागी पावसि लवलाही॥२॥
जय देवी जय देवी जय महिषासुरमथिनी
सुरवर ईश्वरदे तारक संजीवनी, जय देवी जय देवी ॥धृ॥
प्रसन्नवदने प्रसन्न होशी निजदासा
क्लेशापासुन सोडी तोडी भवपाशा
अंबे तुजवाचून कोण पुरवील आशा
नरहरि तल्लिन झाला पदपंकजलेशा॥३॥
जय देवी जय देवी जय महिषासुरमथिनी
सुरवर ईश्वरदे तारक संजीवनी, जय देवी जय देवी ॥धृ॥

Durge Durgat Bhari Lyrics in English

Durge durghat bhari tujvin sansari
Anathnathe ambe karuna vistari
Vari vari janam marante vari
Hari padalo ata sankat nivari
Jaya devi jaya devi mahisha surmathini
Survar ishwar varde tarak sanjivani
Tujaveen bhuvani pahata tuj aise nahi
Chari shramale parantu n bolve kahi
Sahi vivad karita padile pravahi
Te tu bhaktalagi pavasi lavlahi
Prasanna vadane prasanna hosi nijdasa
Kleshapasuni sodivi todi bhavpasha
Ambe tujvachun kon purvil asha
Narhari tallin jhala padpankajlesha

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Hi! I am Sonali. I am a teacher and I love to write and read. I also like to listen to good songs and review and write down the lyrics. I have three years of experience in writing lyrics. And I am posting this written song on Hinditracks.co.in website so that by reading the lyrics of this song you too can sing and make your heart happy.