
Kirtan Ki Hai Raat Lyrics /कीर्तन की है रात बाबा आज ठाणे आणो है ।

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Looking for the lyrics of the popular Hindi song “Kirtan Ki Hai Raat ” in Hindi & English along with its meaning, translation & Video song with lyrics. We provide the full lyrics of “Kirtan Ki Hai Raat ” in both Hindi and English, along with a pronunciation guide to help you sing along. We also explain the meaning of the song’s lyrics and provide a translation to help you understand the song’s message. Whether you’re a fan of Bollywood music or simply looking to expand your knowledge of Hindi, our “ Kirtan Ki Hai Raat ” lyrics blog post is the perfect resource for you. Check it out now and start enjoying this beautiful song!

  • Kirtan Ki Hai Raat Lyrics Introduction
  • Kirtan Ki Hai Raat Song Details
  • Kirtan Ki Hai Raat Song On Youtube
  • Kirtan Ki Hai Raat Lyrics in Hindi
  • Kirtan Ki Hai Raat Lyrics in English
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Kirtan Ki Hai Raat Song Details

  • Song: Kirtan Ki Hai Raat
  • Singer: Nand Kishor Sharma “Nandu Ji”
  • Category: Hindi Devotional ( Shyam Bhajan)
  • Producers: Amresh Bahadur, Ramit Mathur
  • Label: Yuki

Kirtan Ki Hai Raat Song On Youtube

Kirtan Ki Hai Raat Song On Youtube

Kirtan Ki Hai Raat Lyrics in Hindi

कीर्तन की है रात बाबा आज ठाणे आणो है ।
थारे कोल निभानु हे

दरबार सावरिया, ऐसो सजो प्यारो, दयालु आप को
सेवा में सावरिया, सगला खड़ा डिगे, हुकम बस आप को
सेवा में थारी म्हणे आज बिछ जणू हे, थारे कोल निभानु हे
कीर्तन की है रात…

कीर्तन की है तैयारी,  कीर्तन करा जमकर, प्रभु क्यु देर करो
वादों थारो दाता, कीर्तन में आने को, घणी मत देर करो
भजनासु ठाणे म्हणे आज रिझाणु है, थारे कोल निभानु हे
कीर्तन की है रात…

जो कुछ बनो म्हासु, अर्पण परभू सारो, प्रभु स्वीकार करो
नादाँ सु गलती होती ही आई है, ब्रभु मत ध्यान धरो
नंदू सावरिया थानों दास पुरानो है, थारे कोल निभानु हे

Kirtan Ki Hai Raat Lyrics in English

keertan ki hai raat baaba aaj thaane aano hai
thaare kol nibhaanu he

darabaar saavariya, aiso sajo pyaaro, dayaalu aap ko

seva me saavariya, sagala khada dige, hukam bas aap ko

seva me thaari mhane aaj bichh janoo he, thaare kol nibhaanu he
keertan ki hai raat…

keertan ki hai taiyaari,  keertan kara jamakar, prbhu kyu der karo
vaadon thaaro daata, keertan me aane ko, ghani mat der karo
bhajanaasu thaane mhane aaj rijhaanu hai, thaare kol nibhaanu he
keertan ki hai raat…

jo kuchh bano mhaasu, arpan parbhoo saaro, prbhu sveekaar karo
naadaan su galati hoti hi aai hai, brbhu mat dhayaan dharo
nandoo saavariya thaanon daas puraano hai, thaare kol nibhaanu he
keertan ki hai raat…

keertan ki hai raat baaba aaj thaane aano hai
thaare kol nibhaanu he

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Hi! I am Sonali. I am a teacher and I love to write and read. I also like to listen to good songs and review and write down the lyrics. I have three years of experience in writing lyrics. And I am posting this written song on Hinditracks.co.in website so that by reading the lyrics of this song you too can sing and make your heart happy.

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