Lambi Judai Lyrics Introduction
“Lambi Judaai” is a soul-stirring song from the 1983 film “Hero” directed by Shubhash Ghai. The song is sung by the legendary Pakistani folk singer Reshma, and the music was composed by the legendary duo Laxmikant Pyarelal. The lyrics for the song were written by the prolific lyricist Anand Bakshi.

The film starred an ensemble cast including Meenakshi Sheshadri, Jackie Shroff, Shammi Kapoor, Sanjeev Kumar, Shakti Kapoor, Neeta Mehta, and Bindu. “Lambi Judaai” is a heart-wrenching ballad that showcases Reshma’s exceptional vocal range and emotive singing style.
The lyrics of the song are about a woman who is left alone after her love has gone far away. She recalls the memories of her past and expresses her longing for her beloved. She sings about the endless pain of separation and the deep wounds it has left in her heart.
Despite the melancholic theme of the song, it has become a timeless classic, loved by generations of music lovers. The combination of Reshma’s voice, Laxmikant Pyarelal’s music, and Anand Bakshi’s lyrics creates a spellbinding atmosphere that touches the hearts of listeners.
Lambi Judai Song Attributes
- Song : Lambi Judai
- Album : Hero (1983)
- Singer : Reshma
- Musician : Laxmikant, Pyarelal
- Lyricist : Anand Bakshi
Lambi Judai Lyrics Video Song
Lambi Judai Lyrics in Hindi –
बिछड़े अभी तो हम बस कल परसो
जिऊंगी मैं कैसे इस हाल में बरसो
मौत ना आई, तेरी याद क्यों आई, लंबी जुदाई
चार दिनों का प्यार हो रब्बा, बड़ी लंबी जुदाई
होठों पे आई मेरी जान दुहाई, हाय लंबी जुदाई
एक तो साजन मेरे पास नहीं रे
दूजे मिलन की कोई आस नहीं रे
उसपे ये सावन आया, आग लगाई, लंबी जुदाई
टूटे जमाने तेरे हाथ निगोडे
जिन से दिलों के तूने शीशे तोड़े
हिज्र की उँची दीवार बनाई, लंबी जुदाई
बाग उजड़ गये खिलने से पहले
पंछी बिछड़ गये मिलने से पहले
कोयल की कूक ने हुक उठाई, लंबी जुदाई
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Lambi Judai Lyrics in English
Bichade abhi to ham bas kal parso
Jiyungi main kaise is haal mein barso
Maut na aai, teri yaad kyon aai, hay lambi judai
Char dino da pyaar ho rabba, badi lambi judaai
Hothho pe aai meri jaan duhai, haay lambi judaai
Ek to saajan mere paas nahin re
Duje milan di koi aas nahin re
Duje milan di koi aas nahin re
Uspe ye saawan aaya,
Uspe ye saawan aaya, Aag lagaai
Hay lambi judai
Char dinon da pyaar ho rabba, badi lambi judaai, lambi judaai
Tute jamaane tere haath nigode, haath nigode
Jin se dilon ke tune shishe tode shishe tode
Hijr ki unchi diwaar banaai
Hay lambi judaai
Chaar dinon da pyaar ho rabba, badi lambi judaai, lambi judaai
Baag ujad gaye Baag ujad gaye khilane se pahale
Panchhi bichhad gaye milane se pahale
Panchhi bichhad gaye milane se pahale
Koyal ki kuk ne huk uthhaai
Hay lambi judaai
Chaar dinon da pyaar ho rabba, badi lambi judaai, lambi judaai
Lambi Judai Lyrics Meaning in Hindi
“लंबी जुदाई” एक उदास और दिल को छू लेने वाला गाना है जो बिछड़ने के दर्द और खोए हुए प्यार की लालसा को व्यक्त करता है। आनंद बख्शी द्वारा लिखे गए गीत एक ऐसी महिला की कहानी बताते हैं जो इस तथ्य को स्वीकार करने के लिए संघर्ष कर रही है कि उसकी प्रेमिका अब उसके साथ नहीं है। यह गीत मूल रूप से पाकिस्तानी लोक गायक रेशमा द्वारा गाया गया था, और संगीत प्रसिद्ध जोड़ी लक्ष्मीकांत प्यारेलाल द्वारा रचित था।
पहली कविता गायक के अविश्वास को व्यक्त करते हुए शुरू होती है कि उसका प्यार केवल एक या दो दिन के लिए चला गया है, फिर भी यह अनंत काल की तरह महसूस करता है। वह सोचती है कि वह इतने लंबे समय तक इस अवस्था में कैसे जीवित रह पाएगी। गायिका को अपने खोए हुए प्यार की यादें सताती हैं, और वह गाती है, “मौत ना आई, तेरी याद क्यों आई, है लंबी जुदाई/चार दिनो दा प्यार हो रब्बा, बड़ी लंबी जुदाई।” गायिका का कहना है कि मौत उसके लिए नहीं आने के बावजूद, वह अभी भी अपने खोए हुए प्यार की याद से परेशान है, जो कि सिर्फ दो दिनों से ज्यादा समय तक चला है।
दूसरी कविता गायिका की शून्यता और हानि की भावनाओं को दर्शाती है, क्योंकि उसे पता चलता है कि उसका प्यार अब उसके जीवन में मौजूद नहीं है। वह गाती है, “एक तो साजन मेरे पास नहीं रे/दूजे मिलन दी कोई आस नहीं रे।” गायिका अपने दिलों के पुनर्मिलन की इच्छा व्यक्त करती है, लेकिन स्वीकार करती है कि उनके भविष्य के लिए कोई उम्मीद नहीं है। वह कहती हैं कि मानसून का मौसम आ गया है और अपने साथ उनके दिल में एक जलता हुआ दर्द लेकर आया है। गायक गाता है, “उस्पे ये सावन आया,/उस्पे ये सावन आया, आग लगी/हय लंबी जुदाई/चार दिन दा प्यार हो रब्बा, बड़ी लंबी जुदाई, लंबी जुदाई।“
तीसरी कविता में, गायक अतीत की यादों और उसके खोए हुए प्यार के परिणामस्वरूप टूटे हुए रिश्तों को दर्शाता है। वह गाती है, “तूते जमाने तेरे हाथ निगोडे, हाथ निगोडे/जिन से दिलों के तूने शीशे तोड़े शीशे तोडे।” गायक अकेलेपन की ऊंची दीवारों की बात करता है जो इस अलगाव के परिणामस्वरूप बनाई गई हैं। वह गाती है, “हिज्र की ऊंची दीवार बनाई/हाय लंबी जुदाई/ चार दिन दा प्यार हो रब्बा, बड़ी लंबी जुदाई, लंबी जुदाई।“
अंत में, अंतिम कविता में, गायिका अपने खोए हुए प्यार की तुलना एक मुरझाए हुए बगीचे से करती है, जो अपने समय से पहले ही मुरझा जाता है। वह गाती है, “बाग उड़ गए बाग उड़ गए खेलने से पहले/पंछी बिछड़ गए मिलाने से पहले।” गायिका उन पक्षियों के बारे में बात करती है जो उनके पुनर्मिलन से पहले ही उड़ गए, उसे अकेला और उजाड़ छोड़कर। वह गाती है, “कोयल की कुक ने हुक उठाई/हाय लंबी जुदाई/चार दिन दा प्यार हो रब्बा, बड़ी लंबी जुदाई, लंबी जुदाई।“
Lambi Judai Lyrics Meaning in English
“Lambi Judai” is a melancholic and heart-wrenching song that expresses the pain of separation and longing for a lost love. The lyrics, written by Anand Bakshi, tell the story of a woman who is struggling to come to terms with the fact that her beloved is no longer by her side. The song was originally sung by the Pakistani folk singer Reshma, and the music was composed by the legendary duo Laxmikant Pyarelal.
The first verse begins with the singer expressing her disbelief that her love has only been gone for just a day or two, yet it feels like an eternity. She wonders how she will be able to survive in this state for so long. The singer is haunted by the memories of her lost love, and she sings, “Maut na aai, teri yaad kyon aai, hay lambi judai/Char dino da pyaar ho rabba, badi lambi judaai.” The singer laments that despite death not coming for her, she is still tormented by the memory of her lost love, which seems to have lasted for much longer than just two days.
The second verse reflects the singer’s feelings of emptiness and loss, as she realizes that her love is not present in her life anymore. She sings, “Ek to saajan mere paas nahin re/Duje milan di koi aas nahin re.” The singer expresses her longing for the reuniting of their hearts, but acknowledges that there is no hope for their future together. She says that the monsoon season has arrived and has brought with it a burning pain in her heart. The singer sings, “Uspe ye saawan aaya,/Uspe ye saawan aaya, Aag lagaai/Hay lambi judai/Char dinon da pyaar ho rabba, badi lambi judaai, lambi judaai.”
In the third verse, the singer reflects on the memories of the past and the broken relationships that have resulted from her lost love. She sings, “Tute jamaane tere haath nigode, haath nigode/Jin se dilon ke tune shishe tode shishe tode.” The singer speaks of the high walls of loneliness that have been created as a result of this separation. She sings, “Hijr ki unchi diwaar banaai/Hay lambi judaai/Chaar dinon da pyaar ho rabba, badi lambi judaai, lambi judaai.”
Finally, in the last verse, the singer compares her lost love to a wilted garden that has withered away before its time. She sings, “Baag ujad gaye Baag ujad gaye khilane se pahale/Panchhi bichhad gaye milane se pahale.” The singer speaks of the birds that have flown away before they could reunite, leaving her alone and desolate. She sings, “Koyal ki kuk ne huk uthhaai/Hay lambi judaai/Chaar dinon da pyaar ho rabba, badi lambi judaai, lambi judaai.”
FAQ on Lambi Judai Lyrics
Who is the singer of the song “Lambi Judai”?
The song “Lambi Judai” is sung by Reshma.
Who composed the music for “Lambi Judai”?
The music for “Lambi Judai” was composed by Laxmikant Pyarelal.
Who wrote the lyrics for “Lambi Judai”?
The lyrics for “Lambi Judai” were written by Anand Bakshi.
In which film was the song “Lambi Judai” featured?
The song “Lambi Judai” was featured in the film “Hero” released in 1983.
Who are the lead actors in the film “Hero”?
The lead actors in the film “Hero” are Meenakshi Sheshadri, Jackie Shroff, Shammi Kapoor, Sanjeev Kumar, Shakti Kapoor, Neeta Mehta, and Bindu.
Who directed the film “Hero”?
The film “Hero” was directed by Shubhash Ghai.
What is the theme of the song “Lambi Judai”?
The theme of the song “Lambi Judai” is separation and longing for a loved one. The lyrics express the pain and sorrow of separation from a loved one and the longing for their return.
What does the line “Char dino da pyaar ho rabba, badi lambi judaai” mean?
The line “Char dino da pyaar ho rabba, badi lambi judaai” translates to “Oh God, it’s been four days of love and a long separation”. It expresses the pain and longing for a loved one after just a few days of separation.
What does the line “Uspe ye saawan aaya, Aag lagaai” mean?
The line “Uspe ye saawan aaya, Aag lagaai” translates to “Then the monsoon came and lit a fire”. This line is symbolic of the sorrow and pain that has been kindled in the heart due to the separation from a loved one.
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